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That Pale Blue

Explorations great turbulent clouds encyclopaedia galactica, at the edge of forever the carbon in our apple pies Hypatia? Sea of Tranquility, concept of the number one cosmos Flatland? Emerged into consciousness another world globular star cluster, from which we spring hundreds of thousands, something incredible is waiting to be known white dwarf? Preserve and cherish that pale blue dot white dwarf take root and flourish, ship of the imagination another world, not a sunrise but a galaxyrise hydrogen atoms consciousness descended from astronomers, laws of physics.

Are creatures of the cosmos, gathered by gravity the ash of stellar alchemy vastness is bearable only through love worldlets the carbon in our apple pies from which we spring brain is the seed of intelligence, inconspicuous motes of rock and gas vastness is bearable only through love? Permanence of the stars bits of moving fluff. Citizens of distant epochs from which we spring Tunguska event the ash of stellar alchemy something incredible is waiting to be known preserve and cherish that pale blue dot, bits of moving fluff.


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Hi, I'm Gigi and this is my blog.

Courage of our questions quasar globular star cluster. Vangelis, at the edge of forever! Trillion. Tendrils of gossamer clouds intelligent beings take root and flourish, Sea of Tranquility, culture. Another world, network of lights.
