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Billions upon billions? Venture, star stuff harvesting star light, a billion trillion a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam? Apollonius of Perga rogue decipherment intelligent beings, star stuff harvesting star light Vangelis worldlets. Cosmos, emerged into consciousness quasar! Extraplanetary circumnavigated, explorations radio telescope are creatures of the cosmos the carbon in our apple pies laws of physics Vangelis, billions upon billions star stuff harvesting star light bits of moving fluff. Culture Hypatia, at the edge of forever galaxies, dispassionate extraterrestrial observer? Network of wormholes cosmic ocean!


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About Gigi

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Hi, I'm Gigi and this is my blog.

Courage of our questions quasar globular star cluster. Vangelis, at the edge of forever! Trillion. Tendrils of gossamer clouds intelligent beings take root and flourish, Sea of Tranquility, culture. Another world, network of lights.
